Monday, October 11, 2010

Sardined in a Bus to Cairo

I mentioned that the bus to Egypt was quite long. I had this fantastic plan to be one of the first people on the bus after border control to make sure that I didn't sit on the very back bench of the bus (you know the row that everyone avoids because there's no leg room, your seats are the only ones that don't recline, whoever's back there usually spends their time swatting away flies with their passports, and there's five of you crammed into one bench.) 

Well, I was the last one on the bus (my fault, we won't talk about why that happened, let's just say I'm lucky my luggage wasn't left at the border crossing) and I was smashed back there like a sardine. The great thing about it was that I kind of liked it a little bit. 

Here was our view from the bus window as we drove into Cairo...

I didn't realize that Cairo's population is about 18 million (population of Utah: about 3 million). 

We all got really excited when we saw this out the bus window. Just the pyramids

The Nile.

Once we got to Egypt, the marathon began. 

Me, Chelsey, Kelsey, Lizzy, and Brindy at The Great Sphinx (*Fun fact* The Great Sphinx depicts Pharaoh Khafra.)Thought you'd all want to be aware of that.  

Building a the pyramids. I was definitely struggling... (right side right underneath Nataly on the top layer).

Lizzy and I "holding the pyramid." Master Tooter (I still miss that Egyptian tour guide. Just today I saw someone that looked just like him in Jerusalem.) He took this treasure of a shot for us. He posed us for this artistic photo himself.

Kelsey, Jamie, Lizzy, and I at the Great Pyramids. Rocking the Egyptian style.

Rachel, Jamie, Kelsey, and I. In case you are wondering...yes, I am wearing a fanny pack. 


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