Thursday, May 6, 2010

First Week On the Job

I just finished my first week working at my internship. In an office. I told my boss the other day that I feel like I am in The Office. Now when I watch episodes where the printer gets jammed, I can laugh. Legitimately. Because I work in an office now. 

One big problem. There's no Dwight. Maybe I should take up that post pretty quickly here? I just think he's a really necessary figure in any office, and I'm willing to take one for the team if that's what it takes. 

No, really I am loving it. I work three days a week, and did a little work from home today. I am already learning so much about public relations and am loving the people I work with.  

I have my own cubicle with a computer. I have a company e-mail. I have a company phone number. I went to lunch with an employee the other day, we talked business (um, yeah okay, it was my Dad, but hey we did talk business.) 

It's the real deal. 
Over and Out!

1 comment:

  1. oh my i feel the exact same way!! we don't have a dwight either.
