Thursday, March 11, 2010

Run For Your Life

54 miles down... only 96 miles to go...
This semester my friend Rachel and I joined the "Run For Your Life" intramural at BYU. Basically that means we are supposed to run 150 miles by the end of April. Our reward: A t-shirt. (that's our biggest motivation, let's be honest).

We started out running three miles a day, with plenty of time to spare. We had to take a break for about two weeks because my ankle gave out (no one really know why, I think it was a mixture of ice skating and running?) It was a really great experience, friends called me Tiny Tim for a couple weeks, because I would hobble across campus.

Now we're back in business. We have a lot to catch up on, meaning we need to run 96 miles in a month and a half. We really want our t-shirt, so we are set on completing this goal of ours.

Wish us luck!

(Rachel and I after an afternoon run)


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