Sunday, March 7, 2010

Living #2

A couple of weeks ago one of my professors paused class to tell us a few wise words. He said something to this effect: "Don't let life happen to you. By small things, great things can be missed. Don't let them pass you by."

I have been thinking about those words a lot lately. There have been times when I have let the small, beautiful things in li
fe pass me by because I am so caught up in the menial tasks of life.

My professor was trying to help us realize that now is the time to actively pursue our lifelong dreams. It is not enough to settle for mediocrity and to be forever trapped in the small challenges everyday life brings.

He explained that there are two ways to live our lives:
1. wait and see what happens
2. take a risk and live your dream.

I'm going to try harder to live by #2.


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