Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hooked On A Feeling

10 Things I Love About Spring:

1. laying on your back in the grass and soaking in the rays after a long winter.
2. picnics
3. cloud watching [cheesy I know]
4. eating ice cream on a park bench
5. wearing summer dresses
6. flip flops
7. leaving your window open at night and waking up to birds chirping
8. the sound of a lawnmower
9. feeling obligated to wear sunglasses
10. taking early morning runs outside

I have been claiming that spring is in the air ever since the end of January...

So far, March has finally legitimized my claim. Today I enjoyed a fabulous picnic with some friends; we looked like the classic brochure picture of college students loving their lives. Spring. I'm hooked.

I just googled "college brochure" and this is what popped up.


Yes, we definitely looked just like this. Simply substitute the school books with food and you've now experienced my afternoon. :) [only a little bit sarcastic.]

In my science lab, my T.A. was kind enough to share this treasure with our class, I think it is absolutely hilarious.

David Hasselhoff says it best in his classic music video, "Hooked on a Feeling". Take a look if you need a good laugh!
Have a great day!

Next time I won't take 3 weeks to post. [just a shout out to my roommates]


  1. I LOVE YOU.

    and yes, it is going to seem pathetic that i comment on every single post until you start posting a bit more frequently.. then at that point, when i comment on your blog every three weeks, it won't look like im totally obsessed with you as much.

    (wait.. am i though? melissa and i have come to a frightening conclusion that we have become the roomies SNL skit girls. you are right in there with us too, girlfriend :) )

  2. i like the new blog look my dear :) keep posting please!
