Sunday, February 14, 2010

Love to Love

Valentine's Day!!

On the fourteenth day of February, magical
moments seem to blanket American civilization.
My younger sister was all smiles when she opened up our front door and found sweethearts littering the porch with a rose to her from her recent boyfriend. Similarly, my dad couldn't have been happier when he woke up to the smell of french toast and enjoyed breakfast in bed, compliments to my mom. Love is definitely in the air in my house today. So you're probably dying to know what the most romantic part of my day has been so far. Here it is:

Thank you Rebekah for sending me this treasure today, the skeleton does look like me just a little bit, I'm glad this made you think of me. :)

I really do love Valentine's Day a lot, seriously...

Last night I watched The Notebook for the second time in one week. It's just that good!

I love the theme song throughout the movie: "I'll be seeing you." Last weekend I went to a high school benefit concert w
ith my friend Kate. The performance consisted of a series of performances by Orem High alumni to honor their choir director who r
ecently died. One of the performers sang "I'll be seeing you" as a tribute to
her teacher, explaining beforehand the incredible impact this teacher had on her life.

Although I never knew the choir director, the impact of the song really inspired me. I realized how many people have influenced me thus far, and how rarely I recognize their profound influence in my life.

To some of the people who have touched me with their goodness and who I love:
my parents for their unconditional love for each other and to m

my sisters for their vigor for life

my friends for teaching me how to
laugh uncontrollably,

my roommates (I fe
el like that deserves a separate category because they're kind of like my family at college) for teaching me how to live life to the fullest.

I love you all! Tonight I'm going to remember to laugh, s
erve and I'm going to love to love...Happy Valentine's


  1. yo alyssa! got the tip from kitty you started a blog. welcome to the world of blogging! You will soon find that thoughts of upcoming posts will consume you. you will start to take pictures for the sheer fact that the pictures 'will make for a great post' and you will begin to find your favorite blogs and check them multiple times a day. haha and you thought facebook was bad. good post award though! very impressive for a first time poster. you're not even a rookie girlfriend you are all over the blogging game like a rat on a cheeto! ahh can't wait for future posts. love you and miss you! see you tomorrow :)

  2. GOOD POST! now post again!! come on now alyssa!!!
